GRP Water Storage Covers: The Benefits

Many businesses use GRP water tanks to store water for when it is needed.  Of course, the size of the water tanks will vary from company to company, from small and medium sized models which are constructed from one piece, without any joints or seals, to larger tanks which might be constructed from two or more sections.  Not only is there a wide variety in the size and shape of tanks, but there are also many differences in how they are used.  Some companies use purified water which is mixed into a solution or product, whereas other businesses need the water to cool machinery down during operation.  Does your business use GRP water tanks for an aspect of your work?

Regardless of the different types of tanks and different purposes for the water that they store, all have one thing in common – they need GRP water tank covers.  Leaving a water tank uncovered is not a good idea.  At Precolor Tank Division, we specialise in manufacturing the GRP lightweight covers that you need.

Of course, you might wonder why you should bother with installing a cover.  No doubt your tanks are in the loft space of your site or perhaps on the roof, and there seems to be no problem with operating them without a cover.  But if this is the case, you could be taking a bigger risk than you realise.  Here are just some of the benefits of installing water tank covers on your water storage containers.

1. It protects the water from impurities.

The most obvious benefit is that the container is protected from dust or other chemicals dropping in.It also prevents biological problems, like bacteria or mould from developing. This could cause serious problems for your business, the least of which could be the cost of redoing industrial processes.

2. It prevents damage to pumps and pipework.

Even if you do not need purified water, contaminants could cause damage to your systems. Covers could be the cost-effective way of avoiding expensive repairs to your systems.

3. It prevents evaporation of your water supplies.

With a lid over the container, the water cannot evaporate. This is especially an issue in summer. The last thing you want is to find that your industrial processes are delayed whilst your storage containers are refilled.

4. It improves safety in the workplace.

Having a cover reduces the risk of accidents, and that is just good common sense.

5. It looks better than an open tank.

Appearances might not be your number one priority, but having a tidy workplace could make the difference when potential customers visit.

Of course, these are only some of the advantages.  But the point is clear – choosing GRP weatherproof covers is the best choice for your storage containers.  At Precolor Tank Division, we can make exactly what you need.  Do not worry about the shape or size of your water containers – because we manufacture our own components, we cane make a bespoke model to suit your needs.

Glass reinforced plastic is a great choice for these types of covers.  For one thing, glass reinforced plastic has a low weight whilst retaining a high strength.  This is one of the many reasons why our GRP lightweight covers are so popular.  Each one of our GRP covers is also structurally designed to support its own weight, without putting stress on the edges of the tank it is covering.

For more information about our GRP covers, get in contact with our sales team.  They are on hand to help you find the right options for your business.  They can also answer any enquiries you might have about our GRP Water Storage Covers?