Case Studies

Green Sectional Old Leaking Tank

An old style sectional water tank with internal stay bars at a site in Shropshire. This tank was sited externally and was leaking badly. The tank was lifted out in one piece over the Christmas shutdown.

Green Sectional Old Leaking Tank

We replaced this old style sectional tank with two of our Precolor Exell one piece tanks.

Our excel range of one piece tanks are designed specifically as an alternative to externally sited sectional tanks.

Exell Water Storage Tank

Our two Exell tanks were piped together to allow each tank to be shutdown for cleaning whilst the other tank is kept running.

Water Storage Tank On Lorry

Exell tanks have no internal stay bars or joints and there are no expensive on site erection costs.

Precolor Tanks Case Study

Staffs Old Water Tank

Shown left is the water tank supplying a school in Staffordshire, built on a concrete pad moulded into a chimney over 70 feet high!

Staffs Water Tank

With a one week deadline, the job had to be carried out and completed over the half term break in February.

Scaffolding was erected over the first weekend; the existing tank cut up and removed on the Monday and Tuesday.

Precolor was the only company willing to take on this extraordinary contract.

Circular Tanks being Craned

Our new semi circular tanks were delivered and craned into position on the Wednesday.

Finished Water Tank

The tanks were plumbed in, chlorinated and up and running by the following Monday for the school to reopen for the new term.